Remake Remodel is an exploration into taking an ‘old masters’ painting and bringing it into the modern context. I chose to look at the painting ' Stanczyk ' by Jan Matejko, and use it’s political context to compare it with world events today. The painting depicts a Polish court jester, slumped in a chair after learning of a military defeat as the rich attend a party that takes place behind him. It creates an interesting juxtaposition where only the commoner seems to care about the future of his country, while those in power seem wilfully ignorant. Originally I explored how the character of the Jester could stand as a figure for protest in our age of increasing activism. However my direction changed during the project when I heard of Ruth Bader Ginsberg's passing and who she was to be replaced by in the Supreme Court. I thought the symbolism of a falling country in the original painting would fit well with this subject matter.